In 1988, the SSAHE introduced the Gian Töndury Prize with the aim to promote young scientists.The award was initially funded by the family Töndury and the Companies Weidmann und Söhne AG Zürich, Olympus Optical (Switzerland) AG, Wild, and Leitz in Zürich, Silicon Graphics and others. The prize (diploma and reward of CHF 3'000) was awarded anually for the best morphological poster presented at the LS2 Meetings. In 1996, the SSAHE introduced new statutes for the Gian Töndury-prize. To further promote research in morphological sciences, the SSAHE decided to increase the prize-sum to CHF 5'000 and to award meritious studies contributing substantially to relevant problems in biological and/or medical sciences as well as papers dealing with the development of new morphological techniques. The prize was funded by the Companies Leica, Philips Industrial Electronics, and Zeiss. In 2002, the Gian Töndury Prize was replaced by the two above mentioned new awards (Thesis/Young PostDoc Award of the SGAHE; Morphology Prize of the SGAHE).